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Plant a Wish: A Magic Recipe

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

How wonderfully quirky this magic recipe is! The magic is really in the simplicity.

How wonderfully quirky this magic recipe is! The magic is really in the simplicity. No matter if you think it's silly or not, give this a full-on go! I did an experiment from Pam Grout's E-Squared, and it was all about sending good vibes to some green bean seeds. It is crazy how it worked! Because of that experiment, I decided to take it a step further with "planting a wish". It worked. I was floored! Here's some tips for your wish: 1. Make sure it's only about you and nobody else. 2. You must have hope that the wish will come true. In other words, you can't roll your eyes every time you tell your wish to your seeds/plants. 3. Be on the lookout for hunches and new opportunities and follow them! Feel free to print the recipe below. Happy wishing (and planting)!

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