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This 10 hour MP3 is excellent for relaxation, sleep and concentration.


Enjoy this relaxing, 10-hour MP3 of meditative, relaxing music, while being infused with an inaudible tone to align your body and mind with 528Hz - the ancient solfeggio frequency of universal love and happiness.  This tone will help to return DNA to its perfect state, bring transformation and miracles to you, and increase your energy, peace, intuition, and creativity in your life. When you sleep with 528Hz playing, you will drift off quickly and awaken rejuvenated, ready to start your day.


The benefits of listening to meditative, relaxing music during waking hours are that it will make you more alert, increase your creativity and memory, and ensures proper brain functioning.  It is good for your overall health.


Listening to meditative, relaxing music during sleep will help to calm your entire automatic nervous system, which will lower your breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.


This is quite the deal!  Online retailers sell a 90 minute version for $10.


After Purchase, you will receive links to download your digital product on the thank you page of the checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.


For entertainment purposes only.  I am not a doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor.

Meditative Relaxing Music with 528Hz - 10 Hours

  • This is a zip file to download to your device.

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